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Monday, May 31, 2010

Hike Green

Hike Green Point Preserve, West Bath - 3:00 pm. Hike with Morse High School Environmental Science student, Jill Brown. A KELT volunteer, Jill is researching the land use history of this preserve?which has lovely views of Brigham’s Cove and down the New Meadows River, in addition to a curious geologic bedrock inclusion. Route 209 to Campbell Pond Road, 1 mile turn onto Birch Point Road. Roadside parking on the left.

FMI contact: Alicia Heyburn, Outreach and Communication Director Kennebec Estuary Land Trust

demo builder

create interactive Flash demonstrationsDemo Builder is a tool to create interactive Flash movies that allow you to show how applications and systems work with the help of interactive tutorials.It works by taking a series of editable screen captures of...

folder lock

hide and encrypt your filesFolder Lock is an easy to use tool to create a password protected folder, that you can use to store all your sensitive files and documents.The folder is completely hidden while it is locked, and the files and folders contained...
Sunday, May 30, 2010

ganti mobi

Cara ganti paket MOBI dengan mudah

Untuk anda yang menggunakan Modem MOBI tipe USB yang menggunakan sistem inject alias tidak memakai Simcard dan memilih paket unlimited MOBI, kini anda bisa berganti paket ke paket normal kapanpun anda mau, tanpa harus mendatangi Mobile-8 Center.


Pihak fren sekarang telah menyediakan software khusus agar kita bisa berganti paket dengan mudah, software ini ada pada CD yang disertakan pada Modem MOBI terbaru. Soalnya di paket MOBI 499rb ini tidak disertakan untuk anda yang tidak mempunyai software ini bisa di download di Google docs

Berikut ini Tutorialnya:

- Sebelum anda menggunakan software ini pastikan ACCESS MANAGER dan ANTI VIRUS anda dalam keadaan mati agar bisa menggunakan software ini dengan baik.

- Lalu muncul tampilan gambar dibawah

Modem Mobi

- Jika modem tidak terdetect coba pindahkan konektor Modem ke port USB yang lain

- Lalu isikan Username dan Password yang ada pada paket pembelian, lalu klik write to modem dan keluar dari aplikasi. Lampu pada modem akan berubah jadi merah lalu Hijau,selesai deh!! Jika ingin kembali ke paket unlimited tinggal ganti Username dan Passwordnya


Di Kabupaten Malang banyak sekali terdapat peninggalan-peninggalan masa lampau. Salah satu diantaranya adalah Candi Singosari. Candi ini terletak di Kecamatan Singosari lebih kurang 11 km sebelah utara dari pusat kota Malang. Candi Singosari/Singhasari kadang disebut pula sebagai Candi Ken Dedes terletak di kota Singosari. Candi Singosari juga merupakan makam Raja Kertanegara (1268 - 1292) sebagai [...]

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PR updater.. lumayan

Posting kali ini saya mau mencoba tips dari sobat blogger untuk mempercepat update page rank di Google. Maksudnya mungkin seperti backlink dengan menggunakan cara seperti MLM. Banyak cara dari blogger mania yang diterapkan. Ada yang menggunakan cara dengan berbagi Award terus dibagikan kembali ke blogger lainnya. Seperti artikel sebelumnya, blog ini mendapat award dan alangkah baiknya untuk membagikan kembali kepada sobat blogger lainnya. Meski saya baru dalam dunia blogging dan baru mau mengimplementasikan cara ini, saya tidak menganggap remeh cara ini.

Bedanya dengan award yang berbacklink yaitu cara ini lebih simple. Anda tak perlu menunggu award dari sobat blogger.

Inti dari cara ini yaitu mempercepat penyebaran dalam bentuk backlink. Untuk melakukan cara ini, yang kamu lakukan adalah meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel Anda yang nantinya akan menjadi link timbal balik (backlink).

mempercepat alexa rank

bagi2 hasil alexa kiat yang telah terbukti mampu meningkatkan ranking Alexa :
• Install Alexa Toolbars di web browser anda. Anda bisa mendapatkannya disini.
• Tempatkan Alexa Rank Widget di halaman blog atau situs anda untuk membuat Alexa lebih akurat dalam mengumpulkan data traffic pengunjung baik yang memasang Alexa Toolbar di web browsernya, maupun yang tidak memasangnya.
• Ajak teman-teman anda untuk memasang Alexa Toolbar di web browser mereka. Semakin banyak pengunjung tetap ke blog atau situs anda yang menginstalasi Alexa Toolbar ke web browser-nya, akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kenaikan Alexa Rank anda.
• Bikin artikel di blog anda tentang Alexa Rank. Nampaknya memang lucu dan tidak relevan. Tapi agaknya di dunia blogosphere berlaku prinsip BAS -bukan ABS- ‘Bikin Alexa Senang’.
• Upayakan untuk mengundang para Web Master untuk berkunjung ke blog anda, caranya dengan bergabung di fotum-forum webmaster yang banyak membahas soal Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ataupun Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).
Tak perlu anda lakukan banyak hal untuk menaikkan Alexa Rank anda jika anda melakukan ke lima hal diatas dengan sungguh-sungguh pasti akan terlihat peningkatan yang anda dapatkan. Anda bisa bayangkan, hanya dalam waktu kurang dari dua bulan sejak blog ini launching, Alexa Rank saya sudah bisa mencapai angka ratusan ratusan ribu dari awalnya di kisaran 7 jutaan


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dapatkan di sini.

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ya..gimana ya..kamu cantik banget ..beda dengan yang dulu..”kataku sedikit memujinya.

Rani Kembang SMA

Suatu siang aku jalan-jalan kepusat perbelanjaan buat refresing….ya..liat-liat cewek cantik.Begitu aku lagi liat kiri kanan..eee..tak taunya seseorang menubrukku .Wanita ini sepertinya habis belanja banyak dan tergesa-gesa hingga tak tahunya menubruk orang.
Begitu bertabrakan…aku langsung membantu memberesi barang-barangnya yang berserakan.Tak lupa kuucapkan permintaan maafku padanya karena tak sengaja menabraknya….walau sebenarnya dialah yang harus minta maaf padaku.
“Maaf ..mbak…nggak sengaja nih…”kataku padanya.
“ya…nggak apa-apa lagi….oya..kamu Andy kan….”katanya padaku.
“iya..saya Andy….dan mbak siapa ya…kok tahu nama saya”
“kamu nggak ingat sama aku ya…teman SMA kamu…yang suka jahilin kamu….”katanya padaku.
“siapa ya….eeeee….maaf …Rani ya….SiBunga SMA “
“Tepat sekali ….tapi tadi kok kamu manggilin aku mbak seh…”
“Maaf deh….abis aku nggak tau siapa kamu..”
“kenapa..lupa ya sama aku….atau emang udah dilupain ya…”
“ya..gimana ya..kamu cantik banget ..beda dengan yang dulu..”kataku sedikit memujinya.
“ak kamu ….biasa aja kok…”katanya sambil tersipu malu.
“oh ya….kita kekafe yuk..buat ngerayain pertemuan kita ini…”
“ok deh…tapi kamu yang traktir aku ya…abis aku lagi bokek nih”kataku padanya
“ya..nggak masalah lagi….”
Aku dan rani pergi kekafe langgananya Rani.Sampai disana ..kami memilih meja yang paling pojok.Suasana didalam kafe ini sangat sejuk dan nyaman…membuat orang yang berada didalamnya betah untuk duduk berlama-lama.


Manual type floor mounted holde

Tell Mfg. Inc. 219HSF26 Floor Door Holder Review

See more picture

Tell Mfg. Inc. 219HSF26 Floor Door Holder Feature

* Floor door holder
* Manual type floor mounted holder is cast metal and is for interior or exterior use
* Unit functions as a stop but serves as a hold-open device when hook is manually engaged in strike
* Unit requires manual disengagement to release hold-open
* Universal screw pack accommodates all type wall construction

Manual type floor mounted holder is cast metal and is for interior or exterior use. Unit functions as a stop but serves as a hold open device when hook is manually engaged in strike. Unit requires manual disengagement to release hold open. Universal screw

I want to use

I want to use my Samsung R81 '32 LCDTV as a secondary monitor, but I still can't set the proper resolution, which is 1366x768.

I'm now going on with your method. But I got a little problem here.. Which ones do I need to choose on this stage: ? (Specifically, Display Configuration Mode & Port Order)

Click next

Click next. Check both "Use user-defined DTDs" boxes, type Readable Port Name (the name itself has no matter), for each monitor select both DTDs, DVO Device and mark Native DTD Flag.

Install it using defaults

Install it using defaults, run iegd-ced.exe. Press New DTD. Now you supposed to enter specific technical parameters of the monitor you a going to use. Here I provide you with DTD for 1680x1050 and 1440x900 resolutions for 226cw. If you have another LCD you obviously need another data. You can google it using your monitor's model name and "Modeline" word. Modeline gives the same parameters in different format. The common Modeline looks like this: Modeline "1440x900@60.00" 106.47 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 901 904 932 -HSync +Vsync. This one for resolution 1440x900 at 60 Hz. I guess you are really don't care what does other numbers mean, so I just show you how transfer Modeline values to DTD:

File Name and select

DTDs are prepared, you a ready to proceed with "New Configuration" now. Enter the Configuration File Name and select your Platform Chipset, disable the Display Detection. Select appropriate Display Configuration Mode. If you are going to use the external monitor as secondary one, your option is Dual Independent Head. The Port Order in this case is LVDS (1st, corresponds to laptop's display) and CRT (2nd, it is for external monitor connected through VGA port). In case you connect monitor using DVI, then instead of CRT take one DVO, not sure which one, you are free to experiment). Anyway if you are to use two monitors, the main one should have its port at the first line in Port Order. I was forced to use the same CRT as main and only monitor in my system, so my configurations were:

Make 1680x1050 and 1440x900 resolution available on Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Chipset


A couple of days ago I purchased a shiny new SyncMaster 226cw monitor to replace broken display on my friend’s laptop (which he kindly lent me, so I could work at home sometimes). After installing fresh MS Windows copy using the 226cw connected through VGA (CRT) port (actually it was only way I found to set output to external monitor as default option for normally staring Windows), I was realized what there is no way to set native 1680x1050 resolution for 226cw even after latest SyncMaster drivers were installed. And here the quest began...

There was no problem to figure out what the trouble is in the graphical chipset which is Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME. But it was unclear how to overcome this and is it possible at all. Intel has this problem solved only in more new chipsets – no straight way to fix. Fortunately I found this discussion and this article. And by the way the problem was almost solved, but almost only. There was still one unknown artifact, so called Modeline or DTD from 226cw. At last I found one suitable. So now I can describe how to force 852/855 chipset to work properly with your monitor's native resolution
Saturday, May 29, 2010


Mataram adalah ibukota Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat dan merupakan kota terbesar di Pulau Lombok. Mataram sebenarnya merupakan gabungan dari empat kota yang lebih kecil yaitu Ampenan yang merupakan wilayah pelabuhan; Mataram sebagai pusat pemerintahan; Cakranegara sebagai kawasan perdagangan dan Bertais yang memiliki terminal angkutan. Keempat wilayah tersebut dihubungkan oleh sebuah jalan utama yang melintang dari [...]


gili trawangan

Gili Trawangan adalah yang terbesar dari ketiga pulau atau gili (Kepulauan Gili) yang terdapat di sebelah barat laut Lombok. Trawangan juga satu-satunya gili yang ketinggiannya di atas permukaan laut cukup signifikan. Dengan panjang 3 km dan lebar 2 km, Trawangan berpopulasi sekitar 800 jiwa. Diantara ketiga gili tersebut, Trawangan memiliki fasilitas untuk wisatawan yang paling [...]


pulau lombok

Bali kedua. Inilah sebutan yang sering dilontarkan pelancong asing yang pernah menikmati keindahan Pulau Lombok di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) dengan pantai dan objek wisata Indonesia lainnya. Bahkan sebagian mereka selalu membandingkan bahwa Lombok jauh lebih indah, eksotik, dan lebih menawan dibanding wisata Indonesia lain, karena menawarkan lebih banyak pilihan.
Anggapan itu memang tak keliru. Setidaknya [...]


Wendy terancam di bui

Wendy terancam di bui

Pelawak wendy cagur kini terancam di bui akibat ulahnya terhadap deden (39). kejadian yang berawal dari canda malah akhirnya jadi perkara hingga sampai ke meja polisi.
kejadian bermula ketika Wendy bercanda dengan memasukkan batang korek api ke dalam kaus Deden. namun batang korek api tersebut masih menyala sehingga akhirnya membuat punggung dan bokong Deden terbakar. peristiwa tersebut terjadi pada tanggal 22 Juli 2009 saat Wendy beserta Deden dan teman-teman lainnya berkumpul di taman Tebet. kasus ini sendiri tengah ditangani oleh polres Jakarta selatan dengan laporan tertanggal 26 Juli 2009 atas pasal perbuatan tidak menyenangkan.

11, 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Friday, May 28, 2010

Wear the Most Beautiful Smile in the Neighborhood

beautiful smileA beautiful smile can facilitate or even change your life. It can help you to find a better job or make useful social connections. Smiling people always evoke positive emotions, trust and good feeling. But what to do if your teeth have a yellow shade and your gums frequently bleed? Certainly, these two problems are closely linked to each other, because your teeth can not be healthy if something is wrong with your gums. Therefore, a good oral health comprises several important ingredients, including white teeth, healthy gums, strong enamel, and so on.
In ancient epochs, our ancestors were eating only uncooked vegetables or meat, and, actually, their teeth were getting cleaned up during the meal. Eat an apple or a carrot, and you will see that your teeth became cleaner and your gums feel revitalized. Fresh uncooked vegetables can clean you teeth from plague and food particles. However, in modern times we prefer eating processed soft food rich with carbohydrates. Such food can not clean or refresh our teeth. On the contrary, acids and other chemical components of soft drinks and foods are very dangerous and harmful for teeth.
It is hardly possible to find someone, who wouldn’t have faced problems with the teeth or gums by the age of 20. Nowadays, advanced medical technologies allow us to feel less pain during dental treatment, but the procedures still remain very costly. Moreover, overwhelming majority of people always feel very nervous and stressed out before visiting their dentists. Finally, effective dental care helps to get rid of bad breath and improves person’s overall health. That is why the issues of rational oral hygiene and dental health are topical for our society and many of us try to learn more about the ways to protect our oral and dental health.
Useful general tips for good dental hygiene and oral health:
  • Maintain a good balanced diet and lead a healthy life.
  • Do not use your teeth as a can opener or other tool because such activities can seriously damage the enamel.
  • Avoid chewing hard foods (dry beans, pope corn kernels, candies, ice cubes, etc.).
  • Decrease the consumption of the foods with high content of sugar, such as chocolate, jams, honey, sweet soft drinks etc., as well as carbonated drinks, lemons and other foods or drinks which can harm your teeth.
  • Avoid smoking and using chewing tobacco.
  • Avoid having too hot and too cold meals.
  • If you need to remove some food particles left after meal between your teeth, use the toothpick very carefully.
  • Brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening.
  • Select your toothpaste carefully.
  • Use correct brushing technique.
  • Do not use too hard toothbrush
  • Change your toothbrush once per two-three months.
  • When brushing your teeth, do not forget to scrub your tongue with the special surface on the backside of your toothbrush
  • Use special antimicrobial rinsing solutions to refresh your breath and protect your teeth against the plague during the day
  • Floss your teeth properly once a day
  • Do gum massage with a special soft toothbrush once a week
  • Avoid using medications (such as aspirin, anticonvulsants, etc.) that can damage your teeth and gums
  • Avoid such habits as grinding, clenching or grating your teeth as they can bring to a physical damage of your teeth.
  • Twice a year see your dentist or dental hygienist for regular dental and periodontal checkups, plague removal, cleaning and other preventive measures.
  • Never postpone visiting your dentist when you have noticed a problem with your teeth or gums, especially when you have an aching or decaying tooth.
A beautiful smile is one of the most important components of your image, so there is no reason to spare your money, time and efforts for proper dental care. Maintaining a good oral and dental health is not too hard and it always brings multiple rewards. Brush your teeth two times a day, rinse out your mouth after every meal, take care about your tongue and gums, and, finally, visit your dental specialist regularly. Remember that you can take care about your teeth better than your dentist. Have the smile you always wanted to have

mengganti tombol start buton WINDOWS 7

Buat anda yang suka mengutak-atik tampilan Windows terutama versi terbaru yaitu Windows 7, berikut ada lagi sebuah tools yag berfungsi untuk mengganti logo default pada tombol Start Button di Windows 7, atau yang biasa dikenal dengan sebutan “Orb”.

Dengan sebuah software gratis aka freeware bernama Windows 7 Start Button Changer (W7SBC), kita bisa dengan mudah mengubah logo pada tombol Start Menu Windows 7 dan menggantinya dengan tampilan logo yang sudah disediakan oleh tools ini.

Di dalam aplikasi simpel ini sudah terdapat 10 jenis stok tampilan logo Start Button. Cara penggunaannya mudah saja, jalankan aplikasinya lalu klik “Select & Change Start Button”, dan kita bisa memilih salah satu stok logo yang tersedia untuk kita gunakan sebagai logo pengganti pada tombol Start Button di Windows 7.



Download Gratis Windows 7 Start Button Changer (W7SBC) 2.0

Program ini adalah aplikasi portable, jadi silahkan langsung anda download di sini (, ukuran file 600KB) atau kunjungi situsnya, lalu extrak file hasil downloadnya dan bisa langsung dijalankan tanpa perlu instalasi.

Electric vs. Manual Toothbrushes

Toothbrush HolderThe majority of us already know what toothbrushes are better: manual or powered ones. However, not many people understand that the right answer on this question is: the one which you actually use and find the most effective. Undoubtedly, powered toothbrushes can be considered advantageous only because they are newer and more expensive than old-fashioned manual ones. That is why a great deal of us prefer using electric toothbrushes, believing that more costly option is the best and the healthiest. The novelty of such toothbrushes also motivates people for more serious approach to daily dental care procedures.
The market of powered toothbrushes has been developing very fast, and nowadays the variety of electric toothbrushes can be compared to the variety of manual ones. You can find rotating, vibrating, oscillating, pulsating, counter-rotational and other types of electric toothbrushes, available in our shops and pharmacies. When choosing between an electric and manual toothbrush, take into account professional recommendations of your dentist and learn more about the pros and cons of both types of the toothbrushes.
Powered ToothbrushThe advantages of electric toothbrushes (in comparison with manual):
  • Electric toothbrushes last longer than manual ones.
  • Brushing with powered toothbrushes require minimal efforts and less brushing force, that is why they are especially suitable for children.
  • Electric toothbrushes cause less damage to your gums and tooth enamel because the majority of them have pressure sensors.
  • Brushing with electric toothbrush requires minimal skills.
  • Powered toothbrushes can be effective for those people who have some problems with making the movements necessary for proper brushing (for example, people with arthritis or other physical limitations).
  • Buzzing effects of electric toothbrushes have a special positive influence on your teeth that can hardly be achieved using a manual toothbrush.
  • The majority of powered toothbrushes have timer, therefore, your toothbrush can let you know when two minutes necessary for effective brushing are up.
  • Also, the majority of electric toothbrushes come with toothpaste dispenser.
  • Generally, the handles of electric toothbrushes are more ergonomic and comfortable for a firm grasp.
Manual ToothbrushesThe disadvantages of electric toothbrushes (in comparison with manual):
  • Powered toothbrushes are bulky.
  • Electric toothbrushes are more expensive than manual ones. The prices for modern powered toothbrushes vary from 30 to 120 dollars.
  • It is harder to maneuver electric toothbrushes as effectively as manual ones.
  • Since not much of efforts are required, frequently people rely only on vibration and rotation of power toothbrush bristles and fail to clean their teeth and mouth properly.
  • As all the electric toothbrushes need battery replacement or recharging, they can be less suitable for traveling.
  • Electric toothbrushes can not clean your tongue as good as manual ones because electric toothbrushes do not come with a tongue scraper.
  • People with problematic and very sensitive teeth have to use manual toothbrushes as it is impossible to find electric toothbrushes with soft and extra-soft bristles.
Therefore, depending on your personal preferences, you can use either manual or electric toothbrush – both of them will be effective if you like brushing your teeth and do really care about your dental situation. All you have to remember is the fact that not the type of your toothbrush, but the way you brush your teeth, as well as the frequency and duration of your brushing sessions are the most important factors for effective oral hygiene and good health of your teeth.

gili meno

Gili Meno adalah salah satu dari 3 pulau kecil yang berada dikawasan wisata.Letaknya diantara gili trawangan dan gili air.Dari mataram sekitar 45 menit perjalanan menempuh kawasan wisata senggigi yang berlatarkan pemandangan pantai yang menakjubkan atau pun melalui kawasan wisata hutan monyet pusuk dengan ditemani hutan lindung yang lebat.
Disini terdapat taman burung yang mempunyai koleksi burung-burung [...]

Thursday, May 27, 2010

gedung pakuan

Gedung Pakuan saat ini merupakan rumah dinas yang dijadikan sebagai tempat kediaman resmi Gubernur Kepala Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Gedung ini beralamat di Jalan Otto Iskandardinata No.1, Bandung. Di zaman kolonial Belanda merupakan rumah kediaman resmi Residen Priangan.
Gedung Pakuan didirikan sehubungan dengan perintah Gubernur Jenderal Ch.F. Pahud karena pemindahan ibukota Karesidenan Priangan dari Cianjur ke [...]



Daisy fajarina dilaporkan gelapkan uang 1 m

kisah manohara memang belum usai. seperti sinetron manohara yang baru tayang, kini satu persatu masalah tentang manohara dan ibunya muncul satu-persatu. proses hukum yang sedang dijalani manohara tentang dugaan KDRT yang dilakukan suaminya, tengku fakhri masih berlanjut. kini giliran sang ibu yang harus menghadapi perkara hukum. setelah sebelumnya shaliha laporkan daisy ke polisi, kini daisy didakwa menggelapkan uang senilai 1 m oleh rekan bisnisnya yang bernama soni. kejadian itu sendiri terjadi pada tahun 2003 sejak daisy masih tinggal di perancis.
menurut pengacara Soni, yakni Fredik J Pinakurany kliennya yang bernama cahyo Laksono alias Soni melaporkan Daisy Fajarina dengan pasal 378 junto 372 atas penipuan dan penggelapan dengan ancaman hukuman 5 tahun penjara. kasus ini bermula ketika Daisy dan soni mengadakan bisnis tas Tas bermerek Ernest dan Louis Vuitton yang harganya sangat mahal. yakni mencapai 50-100 juta per buah. setelah Soni mengirimkan uang namun hingga saat ini barang pesanan yang berupa tas tersebut tidak pernah dikirim.
Soni bukannya gegabah melaporkan Daisy ke polisi. sebelumnya ia telah mencoba berbagai hal untuk meminta pertanggungjawaban kepada ibu Daisy, Soni bahkan sempat mendatangi rumahnya yang berada di perancis. namun pembantunya yang saat itu adalah Shaliha diminta majikannya untuk mengatakan ibu Daisy tidak berada di rumah.
wew…makin banyak yang lapor nie….hmmm..tunggu kabar selanjutnya ya

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

cara ganti ip addres lewat software

Alamat IP digunakan untuk mengenali dari Negara mana sebuah computer yang terhubung ke internet berasal.

Ada dua macam IP yang kita kenal yang pertama yaitu IP statis, IP ini di berikan pada satu pengguna atau user dan IP ini sipatnya tetap. Sedangkan yang kedua adalah IP dinamis, IP tersebut dapat berubah ketika computer kita menyambung ke internet.

Keuntungan dari IP dinamis adalah ketika pengguna menghubungkan ke internet, dengan virtual hosting, satu komputer dapat bertindak seperti beberapa mesin (dengan beberapa nama domain dan alamat IP).

1. Download Software AOL 9.1. Klik di Sini Untuk Download!! setelah di download silahkan install software tersebut.
2. Setelah proses instalasi selesai, buka AOL 9.1 anda lalu pilih menu Connect Options.

3. Setelah anda pilih menu Connect Options, maka akan tampil gambar seperti di bawah ini, pilih lagi menu Advanced Setting ( Pojok kiri Bawah ).

4.Setelah itu akan tampil seperti gambar di bawah ini, lalu pilih Tab Broadband dan klik tulisan Add a Broadband Profile dan tulis profile terserah anda, lalu klik add.

5. Setelah itu di menu Connection Type pilih Home Network lalu save.

6. Setelah itu akan tampil seperti gambar di bawah ini, Screen Name pilih New User, Connection di pilih nama koneksi yang anda buat tadi ( Langkah 4 ) lalu klik Sign ON

7. Setelah itu akan tampil seperti gambar di bawah ini, centang pilihan “You already have an AOL Screen Name and Password”, lalu masukkan username dan password ( ini adalah username dan password email AOL anda ) lalu klik Next, jika anda belum punya anda bisa mendaftar email di situs secara gratis.

8. Setelah anda mendapatkan tampilan seperti ini , buka Firefox atau Internet Explorer anda

9.Buka Firefox atau Internet Explorer anda dan coba masuk ke situs, maka otomatis IP anda akan berubah mengikuti IP yg di miliki oleh AOL.(Ingat AOL anda jangan ditutup ataupun di disconnect, jika anda menutup/disconnect AOL maka otomatis IP anda akan kembali seperti semula )

kebun raya bogor

Kebun Raya Bogor merupakan bagian dari monumen Batu Tulis yang didirikan oleh Sri Baduga Maharaja (Prabu Siliwangi) dari Kerajaan Pajajaran tahun 1474 - 15131 Kebun Raya pada saat itu dinamakan Samida ( hutan buatan atau taman buatan ), yang di tujukan untuk keperluan menjaga kelestarian lingkungan menjaga dan tempat memelihara benih benih kayu yang langka.
Di [...]


kota bogor

Kota Bogor, adalah sebuah kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Kota ini terletak 54 km sebelah selatan Kota Jakarta, dan wilayahnya berada di tengah-tengah wilayah Kabupaten Bogor. Luasnya 21,56 km², dan jumlah penduduknya 834.000 jiwa (2003). Kota Bogor dikenal dengan julukan kota hujan, karena memiliki curah hujan yang sangat tinggi. Peta Kota Bogor terdiri atas [...]



laporkan pasha, Okkie tidak berniat mencabut kembali

kasus penganiayaan yang dilakukan Pasha terhadap mantan istrinya, Okkie agustina teldiproses di kepolisian setempat. Okkie yang melapor pada Rabu, (29/7) lalu, kini telah mencapai tahap pemeriksaan saksi dari pelapor. Okkie juga mengungkapkan dirinya tidak ingin mencabut laporannya terhadap mantan suaminya tersebut saat ini. ia tidak ingin melihat pasha dipenjara karena anak-anak bergantung pada sang ayah, Okkie mengatakan jika ia hanya ingin pasha sadar bahwa apa yang dilakukannya adalah salah.
saksi-saksi yang telah diperiksa adalah 2 pembantu Okkie yakni Uun dan zuhaeriah. Zuhaeriah yang telah bekerja selama 5 tahun mengungkapkan jika ia sudah sering melihat percekcokan antara okkie dan pasha.
“Orangnya cepat marah, sering mukul tapi tidak terlalu keras,” ungkapnya.
zuhaeriah diperiksa di Polresta Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (31/7). ia diperiksa selama satu setengah jam yang dimulai pada pukul 08.00 wib. kedatangan zuhaeriah sendiri didampingi oleh ibunda Okkie yakni Sri Mulyani.
Okkie sebelumnya juga telah melakukan mediasi kepada ustad Uje yang selama ini jadi teman sekaligus guru spiritual dirinya dengan pasha. Uje sempat meminta okkie mencabut laporannya namun okkie tidak menyanggupinya. Okkie juga mengaku dirinya pernah mendapat sms dari mantan suaminya yang bernada ancaman sepulang melapor kepolisi atas kasus tersebut. sms itu berbunyi ”Pengen ngetop ya. Kita ketemu besok!”. wew…damai ja deh, ^_^

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

mandala langit siliwangi

Museum Wangsit Mandala Siliwangi adalah museum senjata yang berada di Bandung, Jawa Barat.
Nama Siliwangi sendiri adalah seorang pendiri Kerajaan Pajajaran yang kekuasaanya tak terbatas, konon raja yang arif dan bijaksana serta wibawa dalam menjalankan roda pemerintahaan, sedangkan arti Mandala Wangsit adalah sebuah tempat untuk menyimpan amanat, petuah atau nasihat dari pejuang masa lalu kepada generasi [...]


meseum geologi

Museum Geologi berdirikan pada tanggal 16 Mei 1928. Museum ini telah direnovasi berkat adanya dana bantuan dari JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). Setelah mengalami renovasi, Museum Geologi dibuka kembali dan diresmikan oleh Wakil Presiden RI, Megawati Soekarnoputri pada tanggal 23 Agustus 2000. Sebagai salah satu monumen bersejarah, museum berada di bawah perlindungan pemerintah dan merupakan [...]


hasil visum okie di umumkan

hasil visum Okkie diumumkan

gosip artis masih ngebahas mengenai penganiayaan yang dilakukan oleh pasha terhadap Okkie. hasil visum Okkie yang dilaksanakan di RS Azra bogor telah diumumkan. dari hasil visum diketahui bahwa terdapat tiga luka akibat pukulan benda tumpul yakni di dahi, pipi kiri dan lengan kanan. Pasha yang hari ini melaporkan balik istrinya atas dua pasal yakni perbuatan tidak menyenangkan dan pencemaran nama baik justru diperiksa polisi.
Pasha yang seharusnya diperiksa esok malah di periksa hari ini. menurut Kasat Reskrim Polresta Bogor, AKP Irwansyah SIK, hal itu dilakukan karena besok Pasha ada acara di jogja sehingga pemeriksaan dilakukan lebih cepat. status pasha kali ini masih sebagai saksi dan belum berstatus tersangka. selain laporan balik terhadap istrinya, pasha mengaku juga dicakar oleh okkie dengan menunjukkan lukanya di tangannya. rencananya polisi juga akan memeriksa dokter yang melakukan visum terhadap okkie yang berkapasitas sebagai saksi.
Monday, May 24, 2010

cara ganti theme pad wordpress

Kamis, Januari 21, 2010

Cara Ganti Theme pada Offline Wordpress

WordPress icon Masih dalam seri belajar wordpress secara offline, sebelumnya telah ditulis bagaimana Cara Install WampServer serta Install Wordpress Secara Offline. Nah, sekarang akan di tulis bagaimana Cara Ganti Theme pada Offline Wordpress.

Jika anda sebelumnya telah mempunyai blog dengan mesin wordpress dan ingin mengganti dengan theme favorit anda, alangkah baiknya tidak secara langsung menguploadnya ke web hosting, namun sebaiknya anda melakukan testing terlebih dahulu secara offline pada wordpress localhost. Langkah ini untuk menghindari kerusakan terhadap blog anda yang diakibatkan dari tidak kompatibel nya wordpress theme favorit anda dengan versi wordpress yang anda pakai. Langkah inipun untuk mengurangi ketidak nyamanan pengunjung anda ketika anda mengganti theme yang masih di edit.

Berikut langkah-langkah ganti theme pada offline wordpress :

Download Wordpress Theme

Silahkan download terlebih dahulu wordpress theme favorit anda, namun sebagai contoh kang Rohman akan menggunakan Cordobo green park 2, silahkan download terlebih dahulu di sini.

File yang anda download masih dalam bentuk file zip, oleh karena itu ekstraklah terlebih dahulu file tersebut dengan menggunakan software ekstraktor seperi winzip atau winrar, atau bisa juga secara online di

ekstrak cordobo

Silahkan Jalankan Windows explorer anda lalu buka directory C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\themes ( ingat bahwa sebelumnya anda telah menginstall WampServer), copy lalu paste folder theme Cordobo green park 2 ke dalam directory tersebut.

copy wordpress theme

Aktifkan Theme

Silahkan jalankan WampServer, klik icon WampServer yang ada di system tray lalu pilih “Start All Service

start all service

Buka browser internet anda, lalu ketik http://localhost/wordpress/ pada address bar, dan tampilan blog local anda akan seperti ini :

my blog

Klik Log in untuk melakukan login ke blog local anda atau bisa juga langsung mengetikan http://localhost/wordpress/wp-login.php pada address bar, lalu silahkan login dengan username serta password anda.

Sesudah berada di dashboard blog, Klik menu Appearance ( disebelah kiri ), lalu klik Themes.

pili -theme

Klik pada Active untuk theme “Cordobo Green Park 2”. Untuk melihat hasilnya, silahkan klik “Visit Site” yang ada di sebelah kiri atas, dan seharusnya tampilannya akan seperti ini :



Dengan cara diatas, tentunya anda dapat melakukan testing terhadap theme tersebut untuk selanjutnya bisa di upload ke webhosting jika sudah terbukti kompatibel. selain itu andapun bisa mengedit theme tersebut sepuas hati tanpa harus ketakutan timbul kerusakan karena memang masih dikomputer anda dan belum online di internet.

dananu bratan

Danau Bratan adalah sebuah danau yang terletak di kawasan Bedugul, Desa Candikuning, Kecamatan Baturiti, Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali. Danau yang terletak paling timur di antara dua danau lainnya yaitu Danau Tamblingan dan danau Buyan, yang merupakan gugusan danau kembar di dalam sebuah kaldera besar, Danau Beratan terbilang cukup istimewa.
Berada di jalur jalan provinsi yang menghubungkan Denpasar [...]



ITB didirikan pada 1920 dengan nama “Technische Hooge School (THS)” te Bandoeng. ITB juga merupakan tempat di mana presiden Indonesia pertama, Soekarno meraih gelar insinyurnya dalam bidang Teknik Sipil.
Pada masa penjajahan Jepang, THS diubah namanya menjadi “Bandung Kogyo Daigaku (BKD)”. Kemudian pada masa kemerdekaan Indonesia, tahun 1945, namanya diubah menjadi “Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (STT) Bandung”. [...]

uch recent interest

Is Carbon Offsetting a Con? The Prosecution Case

There has been much recent interest in 'carbon offsetting' - the idea that companies and individuals can ‘offset’ their carbon dioxide emissions by buying into low carbon projects such as renewables, energy efficiency and, most controversially, tree planting.

George Monbiot certainly does not mince his words when it comes to offset schemes. Writing in the Guardian, he likened offsetting to the 15th Century Dutch practice of paying for God’s pardon for crimes such as incest, lying or murder.

Back in July, the right-on magazine New Internationalist dedicated a whole issue, entitled “CO2NNED!”, to a demolition job on the offsetting industry, presenting their case with all the subtlety of a tabloid newspaper pursuing a suspected paedophile.

offset projects is suspect

Last month the Advertising Standards Agency upbraided the Scottish and Southern Energy Group for a promise to plant trees to offset the emissions from their activities which they couldn't substantiate.

Beyond the ranting and raving, the central criticisms of carbon offsetting appear to be:

- They allow us to consume more without feeling guilty, buying off our pollution while pursuing business as usual.

- They deflect attention from the real problem which is over consumption.

- The effectiveness of the offset projects is suspect, particularly those in the third world.

To explore these arguments further, follow the links above, but in part two on this subject, I will present the case for the defence!

th the 'Green Fund' schemes,

If you want a 'Green Supply' scheme, the trick is making sure you are not paying extra for electricity the companies should be generating anyway under the rules. Otherwise you are wasting your money.

This includes a 'green' generator selling ROCs to others as well as charging you the premium - because again this is double counting. According to Friends of the Earth the company should 'retire' (ie tear up) the ROCs on electricity sold under a green tariff, so the green energy you buy is always additional to what the industry should generate anyway.

Likewise with the 'Green Fund' schemes, you need to be sure that the investment is additional to the energy company's ordinary investment plans - otherwise you will just be contributing to their profits.


Fortunately the The Green Electricity Marketplace rates and ranks schemes in your area. They only recommend tariffs which go above and beyond their renewable obligation. There are other sites who can do the comparison, but they don't always make this clear.

As a result of researching this piece, I'm going to have to check out my own supplier, Juice, as they don't retire ROCs...

a manageable number and opens up a range

It's That Time of Year Again....

The publication of the Green Guide to Christmas has provoked interest from the Times and The Guardian, each giving their hints and tips on how to be a little greener this year.

My biggest dilemma at this time of year is choosing presents. Nothing to do with fretting over their environmental impact, I'm afraid, just choosing presents full stop. Every year I trudge round the shops, my eyes glazing over as I try to remember what I've bought people in previous years and to spot that perfect gift. But, in line with my principle that we should see the environmental challenge as an opportunity rather than a threat, I've found in recent years that going for a green theme closes down the options to a manageable number and opens up a range of ideas you won't see on the highstreet.

If you want green gadgets, then try The Green Shop, The Centre for Alternative Technology (great for books on absolutely anything) or The Natural Collection.

The Natural Collection do a range of clothes, but they do tend towards ecru t-shirts or brightly colored 'ethnic' knits. If you're after something a bit funkier then try Howies.

Other 'eco' gift options include house or garden plants, posh organic food and drink, tickets for events (music, comedy, theatre) or cycles (I live in hope that a Brompton shaped parcel will appear under our tree).

If you want to buy a 'conventional' gift, Gooshing give eco/ethical reviews on a wide range of manufacturers.

statistics are bleak and getting worse

Good News! (for once)

Most environmental statistics are bleak and getting worse, but edie is reporting a 3% fall in the waste produced by households last year, and a 10% fall in the amount being sent to landfill. To put this in context, most councils plan that waste will increase by 3% each year so this is a significant turnaround and shows that the war can be won.

The edie report talks at length about various recycling initiatives, but is silent on the reasons why overall waste levels have fallen. This is a pity, as waste reduction is a hard nut to crack. I would guess it is due to (some) better designed packaging, more composting, and the fact that we're moving to buying more information, like MP3 downloads, e-books and ringtones, as opposed to their equivalent physical products, like CDs, books, newspapers etc.

Last year this was

Switching to Green Electricity? It's a ROCky road...

I could say that one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to switch to a 'green electricity tariff'. Unfortunately it is not quite so simple...

There are two types of green tariff:

1. "Green Supply" - you purchase electricity which is guaranteed to come from a renewable source.

2. "Green Fund" - you pay a premium which is invested in building new renewable energy projects.

Straightforward so far?

However, every electricity generator is obliged to generate a certain amount from renewable sources (the Renewable Obligation). Last year this was 5.5% and it should go up to 15% by 2015. If a generator falls short of this, they have to buy certificates (called ROCs - short for Renewable Obligation Certificates) from someone who generates more than their obligation.

Recyled packing materials

Green Home Improvement - Paints

We used the multi-award winning Ecos paints. They may not be the most eco-friendly paints on the market as they contain non-organic materials like titanium dioxide, but they are excellent.


- NO solvents (VOCs) which cause local air pollution and health problems.
- No toxic materials.
- Recyled packing materials (reused large egg boxes).
- No smell.
- Very fast drying.


- Colour range is a bit limited.
- The shades available aren't the most subtle (although we deliberately used 'Cherry Ice' which is a wonderful lipstick pink).
- Pricey...

As an illustration, we had a Christmas party 3 hours after finishing painting our living room and kitchen. In comparison, the one room we did with conventional 'low VOC' paints stank for weeks and left me feeling a bit queasy after I'd finished.


LIVE is more LIVE: art and entertainment

sendoo: perhitungan fengshui arab

sendoo: tata letak pencabutan nyawa

sendoo: fengsui dikit

sendoo: kepala kosong gue pengen terisi pengalaman

sendoo: 5 unsur

sendoo: weton

sendoo: direct

sendoo: aneh

sendoo: SKIN CARE

sendoo: SETING GPRS Instan

sendoo: blogvertise yang menguntungkan


vena melinda kerampokan

tis, Gosip Artis, musik, ussy sulistyowati.
uang suami Vena melinda dirampok

kejadian naas kini dialami oleh suami artis cantik Vena Melinda yang bakal duduk di kursi DPR yakni Ivan fadilla. uang gaji karyawan yang sedianya akan dibayarkan di rampok.
kronologis kejadian tersebut ketika sang karyawan yang bernama Tatang diperintahkan oleh Ivan selaku pemilik perusahaan PT Kualitas Intan Pariwara untuk mengambil uang senilai Rp.131 juta yang akan digunakan untuk membayar gaji karyawan di Bank Nagari yang terletak di kebayoran Lama. sepulang dari mengambil uang tersebut Tatang mengaku dirampok sehingga uangnya dirampok. namun uang yang dirampok hanya senilai Rp.41 juta. Tatang mengaku jika uang tersebut dibagi ke dalam 2 amplop.
Ivan yang merasa curiga kini melaporkan Tatang yang telah bekerja selama 10 tahun kepada kepolisian Kebayoran Lama. Ivan melapor pada Jumat (31/7) dini hari. kini sang karyawan tengah diperiksa secara intensif.
Sunday, May 23, 2010

pura taman ayu

Pura Taman Ayun adalah satu-satunya komplek pura yg memiliki struktur bangunan khas Bali yaitu berbentuk meru atau atap yg bertingkat-tingkat dan juga dikelilingi oleh telaga. Dibangun pada abad ke XVI oleh Raja Mengwi. Raja yg berkuasa pada saat itu bernama Badak Agung. Beliau adalah seorang figur yg sangat bakti kepada Tuhan.
Maka dari itu, beliau mendirikan [...]


gunung batur

Di daerah pegunungan sekitar Kintamani, terdapat Gunung Batur dengan danau kawah yang dalam dan mata air panas yang bergolak. Udara pegunungan yang sejuk disertai pemandangan ke seluruh arah, sama indahnya dengan keberadaan beberapa candi penting, yang telah membuat Kintamani menjadi salah satu tempat yang tidak terlupakan dalam agenda wisatawan Bali.
Gunung Batur sebenarnya hanya merupakan salah [...]


Madonna in Venice.
It's been lovely hanging out in Italy with the Fixer, Chris and their friends. Fix spends all his time cooking it's quite something. For some reason, he doesn't sleep, so he cooks/prepares food all the time. He's good. I'm going to get a stake in his bistro when he opens one.

We went to Venice yesterday. It was really nice going back there, much more fun this time for me. The last time I was backpacking and kind-of alone. Minus the crazy writer guy I picked up from some random bar, man that was weird, on the second night hanging out we fucked in front of a statue of the Madonna. Gah.

I was making a sketch of some random scene in the city when Chris and co. came out of the Doge's palace. We started talking about architectural drawings, and he mentioned a friend of his called Paul Madonna who made a living out of drawing architecture. Then he showed me his website, and... you know the funny thing is, I have Paul Madonna's book, All Over Coffee, and I love his work. Anyway, Chris told me they were friends and he's got a couple of Madonna's painting in his flat, and his apartment in San Francisco was actually featured in the book. How cool is that :D

bologna blues

Bologna Blues
The trip tp Bologna has gone slightly off kilter and I am to be back in Holland sooner, which I do not mind, tbh. Dani has booked me in for the Walk the Line festival and gotten tickets to the Gotan Project for next week, so really, that's where I should be. His professions of missing me seem real enough; egad... very soon I will believe them, if I don't already. The only thing I will miss about Bologna (apart from the lovely company) is the food.The Fix has been cooking non stop, and who can fault him? He even makes preparing food at 6 in the morning look fun. Especially while he was stuffing the roll of pork he swore felt like stuffing a Tenga Egg.

I forgot all about Mother's Day, and my brother's birthday to boot; but then I almost forgot mine anyway. I almost forgot to celebrate and and I did my best not to remember it, especially after that last bit of champange where my boobs fell out of my dress across a halal restaurant. But at least I wrote her an email telling her about how things are going over here. Not too bad, that's for sure. She'll be glad to hear. I wonder sometimes if my parents read my blog, maybe my father, but he seems intent on knowing as little about me as possible for fear perhaps, of being even more disappointed.

I do wish I communicated more with people I don't see that often, but it's not in my nature to bother. If they don't reply, I always feel rejected, so best keep that at bay, eh. I'm kind of mute when it comes to telling people how much I appreciate them, and I wish I wasn't.

But I'm thinking about you. You know it.

bologna blues

Bologna Blues
The trip tp Bologna has gone slightly off kilter and I am to be back in Holland sooner, which I do not mind, tbh. Dani has booked me in for the Walk the Line festival and gotten tickets to the Gotan Project for next week, so really, that's where I should be. His professions of missing me seem real enough; egad... very soon I will believe them, if I don't already. The only thing I will miss about Bologna (apart from the lovely company) is the food.The Fix has been cooking non stop, and who can fault him? He even makes preparing food at 6 in the morning look fun. Especially while he was stuffing the roll of pork he swore felt like stuffing a Tenga Egg.

I forgot all about Mother's Day, and my brother's birthday to boot; but then I almost forgot mine anyway. I almost forgot to celebrate and and I did my best not to remember it, especially after that last bit of champange where my boobs fell out of my dress across a halal restaurant. But at least I wrote her an email telling her about how things are going over here. Not too bad, that's for sure. She'll be glad to hear. I wonder sometimes if my parents read my blog, maybe my father, but he seems intent on knowing as little about me as possible for fear perhaps, of being even more disappointed.

I do wish I communicated more with people I don't see that often, but it's not in my nature to bother. If they don't reply, I always feel rejected, so best keep that at bay, eh. I'm kind of mute when it comes to telling people how much I appreciate them, and I wish I wasn't.

But I'm thinking about you. You know it.

morning noon night

esday, November 24, 2009
Morning, Noon and Night

Morning, Noon and Night,
your memory beckons me,
the feel that is the hard hand
that points to the hours of your desire,
for me.

I hope.

Mourning moon that's bright,
an orange that bloated eats the horizon,
no farther from me than your affection,
no colder than your last words,
to me.

I pray.

Now that you have gone away,
I hate, with that intensity,
of hyperion dawn electric,
that shivers away the aching hours,
of leaf swirled wind unto the dawn.

I watch.

And seen the cleansing rite,
of November dawn,
that pierces veil of gray,
and finds me lucid this first time,
with nothing left to say.

I turn,
and your ghost vanishes from my memor

So there I was at the Coakley Campaign....

It is a reality that I live in times which are not so much dark, as kind of swirling gray. A friend of mine who was diagnosed as clinically depressed described as days where the sun was always just about to rise, but never did. There aren't vast wars and vast cataclysms that command the energy of an era, but, instead, a myriad of smaller ones, which damage lives beyond repair, and allow millions to fall down that deep hole of oblivion.

It befouls my senses to think of it, and to face the reality that in even civilized countries, there is a vast subterranean culture which differs from the great waves of totalitarian evil, only in that it does not have the courage to act on it much of the time. But then, that is probably the nature of that kind of evil, it takes the diseases of the spirit that are always present, and weakens society, until they explode the way opportunistic infections explode.

This week there was an election in the American state of Massachusetts. The two contending candidates were Martha Coakley of the Democratic Party, and Scott Brown, who is a Republican. The deciding factor was Coakley's embracing of ideas dictated to her late in the campaign, and the rise of "the Tea Party," which is an anti-tax anti-big government anti-deficit whites first movement run by people who work for the US Defense Department or it's private contractors and subsist on borrowed money from China.

Or to say it another way, they are hypocrites.

What was obvious to me in Boston on the evening after Scott Brown won, was not what other people are concerned about. I know that this election has implications for politics, and that wise minds than mine are staring deep into the futures that spin off from this moment. But that is the work of other hands and brains, because as I keep finding out, I am not very good at it.

What instead struck me was how Coakley was "to blame," for what happened. There is a story here, a narrative as my theory classes would have us say, and that narrative is deeply rooted in the consciousness of being a woman. I am going to go back to Simon De Beauvoir, who may not have seen all of these issues first, but whose book is a touchstone for me in seeing and expressing them.

One important reality is the transition from childhood to adolescence. A man's body goes through pain, but it becomes more powerful, more capable. A woman's body spins out of her control. She becomes wrapped in long surges of hormones and drives intended to make her give up her body to reproduce. Men too are chained to their drives, but they are very different in effect and result. The body shifts, subtly for some, or rapidly for others. One of my friends went from flat chested to quite busty, C Cup and the D cup, in a bit over a year. Hips widen, gravity pulls at us, we can no longer leap as we once did, or throw as well.

This means that rooted in the body is a very different story, personal story, of control. Girls are expected to be more in control of their body than boys are in a disciplined way for social purposes from a young age. We are expected to hold ourselves, walk in controlled ways and be "lady like." This is before we have reached five. My brother we his bed until 6. I would not have survived my mother's disapproval had I made it to half that age in diapers.

This means that the lose of control that comes with adolescence has different meanings to the genders. It is easy for each gender to see the advantages that the other has. Women, in general, mature more quickly, and homogenously than men. Men, as I noted, mature to being more powerful and more in control. For men the narrative of puberty seems, from the other side, to be a fulfillment. Nancy Friday commented that a man's body is a better version of a boy's body, but a woman's body often feels like a betrayal.

The lose of control is marked most powerfully by an event both longed for and dreaded, both powerful and dreadful. Namely, that somewhat monthly visit from menstruation. It is the trauma of controlling of bodily functions form childhood raised to a higher plane. Every lesson of not niceness and fear of being seen as dirty is magnified. It is possible, I think probable, to draw the lesson from evolution that women, as the bearers of children and caregivers, have a horror of infection that is burned into our genes. While I am not the best of housekeepers, I feel it weighing on me as guilt. An anthropologist in our school draws the parallel that if men are hunters, and women gatherers, then the people who are near the most stable camp must, by need, have evolved a very unprimate horror of dirt. Primates, generally excrete and leave. But to have home fires, is to mean that you must not merely learn, but evolve, not to "shit were you eat."

So genes, society, and personal sense collide, to make control of the body a very large issue, because failure to control the body in the long term is danger, and that is crowned by pregnancy.

Men too have control issues, but they are of a different kind and a different scale. Men are about a compression of control in time. They run, jump, spin, in dance, and athletics. Men achieve by control, women conceive. (ie ei ie ei... sigh the strangeness of my second mother tongue...)

What does this mean about the campaign?

The narrative of women is control of our bodies in that glacial sense of time, and for fear of isolation and disruption at the will of others. The fear of men, is the fear of falling magnified. And that narrative was on display in the campaign...

For the, mostly male, people farther up in Washington DC, this election was about, is about, will always be about, their accomplishment. And they gave her a script to follow, that of fear of Bush, and voting for health care reform. The problem with this script is that it is not a woman's script of why she should vote for someone else, and make no mistake, the core of Coakley's most loyal support saw this office as the natural culmination of her service. Older women stayed loyal, but at the party, there were few younger women visible. It is not that the young deserted her for Brown, but we weren't there.

The problem with the DC narrative was that it was an old person's idea of why young people should vote against Brown, and a man's script for what motivates women. Fear of Bush, and an offer of vague improvement in health care, which is, really, fear again.

For Coakley, I saw, that the awkwardness of this script burned through her. It was not a story she wanted to tell, and to be pushed back at the moment of potential elevation to the Senate, was destructive to her ability to control, again. Politics is about control, of the face, voice and words. Robbed of control, she was robbed of every aspect of her personality. She is a prosecutor, a prosecutor prosecutes by controlling the narrative, controlling the story before the jury, and pushing them inevitably down a line, when they cannot even visualize events happening any other way. Coakley, the cool woman slipped in support, but Coakley, the Eliza Doolittle to Obama and others, was a puppet that could only jerk awkwardly. Coakley became prosecuted by anarrative that she did not write, the narrative of a Democratic Party that wanted a health care bill written by the right wing of the Democratic Party.

I think it is wrong to over determine gender, men play women, women play men. Bart Simpson, who has been with me almost all my life as a shadow in the media, that most quintessentially boyish of characters, is voiced by a woman, actress Nancy Cartwright, who has now been bart for virtually her entire working life. This means that these scritps and narratives become important precisely at the ripping point. The reality is that the men of the DNC could not get the women who work for them, to come up with a script that was a man's version of a woman's fears.

After the loss, the control story flipped. Men made the decisions, and imposed them, but it is the woman who was immediately accused of bearing the blame. How this is so, after those same men have presided over a series of political defeats, is only possible if you see through the glasses of men in control. For them, they made the right decisions, almost no man sees his decisions as wrong at first, that means that if there was failure, it was the fault of the underlings, most particularly the woman, for failing. It's never a man's fault in his own mind that his girlfriend gets pregnant.

For Coakley's supporters, the narrative is different. Coakley was loyal, and was put out because of it. The sense in the campaign is that their "competence" was attacked by males who blamed her for their failings, and the failings that were the result of other forces. But for other women the blame falls squarely on Coakley. Defeat is an infection, not merely that she ran the wrong campaign, but that she was bad intrinsicly. Not merely guilt, but shame, bodily shame in supporting someone who was unfit. That's women asking whether Emily's List was to blame for Coakley's losing the general election, and therefore for "health care's loss."

But to accept that narrative one has to accept that Coakley lost for her support of rights that are seen as women's issues, or that she was to feminine. I don't know of any evidence, even anecdotal evidence that says this. To accept this narrative ne has to believe that even more control should be given over to men. There is excellent evidence that this is the case. And who declared that the present Health Care Reform is progress? It is worse than what already exists in Massachusetts. Worse. To accept the narrative that "health care" is defeated is to assume that only those good things that men provide, women can have. The narrative that Emily's List and other women's organizations caused the defeat is part of the "blame the caution" narrative.

But this narrative, as one of my politically astute friends points out, is wrong. While Coakley lost some support when she was not campaigning, almost all of Scott Brown's gains came after the Caokley campaign actively began promoting the attack ads on Brown, and embracing health care as the Senate has written it. This is the man in control narrative, that failure is her fault for not carrying out the man's decisions well enough.

This goes back to the heart of the control issue, and the difference in control narratives. Since Coakley was assigned the task that required time, her failure to pursue a campaign vigorously was the "failure." But if that is so, then how much larger a failure to allow Health Care Reform to drift long enough to come to the point where a special election could alter its path so violently?

In society, the issue of abortion, which is a dagger through the health care debate, is much the same way. Men, largely, run the control of the economic system, yet it is women, often young, scared, poor, alone women, who must take responsibility for each child that enters, or sometimes does not enter, the world. it is those women who "fail" as mothers if the child cannot be afforded, or does not grow up well. Control is about not only who makes the decisions, but how the blame is meted out for them

I cannot help but feel that no good can come out of this event, where a woman was left to twist and turn on the puppet strings of more powerful people. It is a story, or an event in many stories. But one story that is forward is how women are stripped of control of their bodies and lives, and then blamed for the results, in the most humiliating and painful ways imaginable.

So I'm sorry Martha, that we weren't really there for you, but I encountered, often, how many men looked at your campaign and told me that they weren't doing anything for Obama. I tried to tell them that Obama wasn't running for the Senate, and they retorted that I wasn't paying attention. I lived in enough of a bubble of denial not to see this, until a painful and tearful conversation of two older women, lesbians and long time democratic activists ended with, "So why do they hate us?"

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ussy nikah siri dengan Andika?

gosip artis kali ini mau ngebahas ussy nikah siri dengan andika. yups, janda beranak satu yang kini terjun jadi penyanyi ini sedang dilanda rumor yang tidak sedap mengenai hubungannya dengan andika pratama. rumor yang beredar ussy nikah siri dan tengah berbadan dua. hal ini menjadi gosip panas karena bermula dari sebuah infotainment yang menyajikan informasi tersebut.
Ussy dan Andika yang tidak dikonfirmasi dan tidak merasa diwawancara atas berita tersebut mengungkapkan kekecewaannya pada infotainment yang menayangkan rumor tersebut. untuk mengklarikasi hal itu, Ussy bersama dengan Andika menggelar konferensi pers di kediaman Adrie Soebono. ia dengan tegas membantah kabar tersebut. keluarga Ussy dan Andika merasa terganggu dengan pemberintaan tersebut. mereka berdua meminta semua media untuk menjunjung kode etik jurnalistik dalam membuat pemberitaan. wew, jadi Ussy hamil dengan andika cuma gosip ya :)
Saturday, May 22, 2010

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Gunung Agung adalah gunung tertinggi di pulau Bali dengan ketinggian 3.142 mdpl. Gunung ini terletak di kecamatan Rendang, Kabupaten Karangasem - Bali.
Gunung Agung adalah gunung berapi tipe stratovolcano, gunung ini memiliki kawah yang sangat besar dan sangat dalam yang terkadang mengeluarkan asap dan uap air. Dari Pura Besakih gunung ini nampak dengan kerucut runcing sempurna, [...]


sunda kelapa

Sunda Kelapa adalah nama sebuah pelabuhan dan tempat sekitarnya di Jakarta, Indonesia. Pelabuhan ini terletak di kelurahan Penjaringan, kecamatan Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara.
Meskipun sekarang Sunda Kelapa hanyalah nama salah satu pelabuhan di Jakarta, daerah ini sangat penting karena desa di sekitar pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa adalah cikal-bakal kota Jakarta yang hari jadinya ditetapkan pada tanggal 22 Juni [...]


primata ragunan


Pusat Primata Schmutzer Ragunan dihibahkan bagi kota Jakarta oleh mendiang nyonya Puck Schmutzer, seorang pecinta satwa, dan Yayasan Gibbon dimana beliau ikut menangani pengurusannya. Nyonya Schmutzer ingin menunjukkan sebuah contoh akan kepedulian pada satwaliar di dalam nuansa Taman Margasatwa. Atas kecintaannya pada Indonesia, beliau mengharapkan hibah yang diberikan dapat membantu masyarakat Indonesia untuk lebih menghargai [...]


skin web continues

Note that you can use Xkins along with CSS. In fact, CSS use is recommended for font styles and colors, because reusing CSS classes prevents the need to explicitly indicate the font face each time, thus minimizing page size.

A skin can be encapsulated into a single file (zip file) for easy deployment in a Web application. If you define a skin type, third-party skins can be added to your Web application if they conform to the skin type you declare.

You can use Xkins in many ways, but using Xkins with taglibs offers the best approach in a Web application. You can use these tags to generate your pages or to decorate your existing tags.
Defining a skin

Here are some tips for defining a skin:

* Determine skin colors; use global constants so other skins can extend and override them.
* Create reusable templates for each taglib.
* Create templates with elements that can be overridden by an extending skin, so the whole template doesn't have to be rewritten to change the UI's appearance.
* Create a basic skin for your Web application and use it as the type for your Xkins instance.
* Avoid placing HTML inside Java code. If you have a taglib, servlet, or even a JSP page that has HTML code, consider migrating this HTML to an Xkins template.


We now walk through the phases of defining, designing, developing, and deploying Xkins in a simple Web application that requires skin management. In our example, we implement an application that registers subscribers for two online bookstores: Amazing and Barnie & Nibble. The application will be used in both sites (through a frame, a portlet, or whatever format the stores choose), but must have a look and feel specific to each bookstore.

To implement our application, we follow these steps:

1. Obtain HTML pages with each skin
2. Determine skins' templates
3. Create the skins
4. Use the skins
5. Deploy the Web application

Obtain HTML pages with each skin

First of all, we receive the graphical design of the page provided by each bookstore. That material could be the page prototypes and should contain all possible page elements appearing in the application to be skinned (in our example, just one page)—see Figures 2 and 3.

Figure 2. Amazing's look and feel

Figure 3. Barnie & Nibble's look and feel

As we can see, both pages have different colors, images, and field layouts. In addition, the required information indicators differ, plus Amazing's buttons are in GIF format, while Barnie & Nibble's button is an HTML button with styles.
Determine skins templates

Now we must clip pieces of these pages to generalize some templates for our application to use. We could start from zero, or we could base our HTML dissection in a basic skin used to create forms. This basic skin comes with the Xkins framework in Xkins Forms tags. Xkins Forms is an implementation of taglibs that uses Xkins to generate forms for Web applications.

The basic skin defines frame, field, button, etc. We should use this skin and add the templates our application needs (for instance, the branding). This basic skin also allows us to use Xkins Forms tags to generate our JSP pages.

skin web

A skin refers to a user interface's appearance; it gives a Web application a different look and feel. A skin changes the way the user interface appears when a user clicks a button, but does not change the UI's behavior. A change in the skin thus results in a change to an application's appearance, but to achieve that modification, your Web application must know how to use a skin.

Why should you skin a Web application in the first place? Well, there are several motives for using skins, but certainly they are not always a must. In a simple application, skinning it would be overkill, but in some situations, as described in the list below, you must deal with skins:

* When the skin is a system requirement: When the user can select his own skin or even create his own.
* When you want to give skin capabilities to an enterprise component framework: If you create different solutions for different clients, you could reuse all your components (taglibs), if your components have skinning capabilities, by just changing each client's skin.
* When a different skin is needed according to a business scenario: For example, in a marketplace or multi-banking application, different entities are working in the same system and you need to brand the application according to the user's corporate image.

Skinning a Web application is not an easy task. You can use Cascading Style Sheets and change an image's path, but you are limited to what you can do with CSS. If you have a component that looks completely different in each skin, that is, if the HTML differs in each skin, CSS won't help you. However, you could use CSS if simply changing styles solves your problem.

A good approach to creating a skin is to determine each piece of the user interface and generalize these pieces to apply an appearance to each one. For example, if, in Skin A, you have a frame component that is just a plain table and, in Skin B, a more complex table with headers, footers, images, and even sounds, different HTML (more and tages) should be generated for each skin's frame. As an example, let's suppose that in Skin A, the HTML that must be generated to render a label is:

This is my Label

Now, in Skin B, this is how a label would be rendered:

This is my Label

As you can see, these two pieces of UI differ completely in each skin. They both have the same information (This is my Label), but are rendered with different HTML tags. This functionality couldn't be achieved with CSS alone. Perhaps using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations or XSL could be an option. Or you could use Xkins.
What is Xkins?

Xkins is a framework that manages skins for your Web application. In the early server-side Java days, you hard-coded HTML into a servlet. Then, JSP (JavaServer Pages) came along to allow you to put your HTML outside Java code. Nowadays, we have the same problem with taglibs that have HTML tags hard-coded in Java code. Using Xkins, you can place HTML outside your code with an additional and powerful feature: skins. For a detailed information about Xkins, visit Xkins's homepage.

Figure 1 illustrates Xkins's role in a Web application.

Figure 1. Xkins's role in a Web application

A Web application that uses Xkins and Struts through taglibs follows this request lifecycle:

* Struts initializes Xkins with the Xkins plug-in.
* Struts controller receives the HTTP request.
* Struts executes the process and forwards it to the JSP page view.
* The JSP page uses taglibs to render the page.
* The taglib uses Xkins through the Xkins facade: XkinProcessor.
* XkinProcessor gets the user's skin and the template that the taglib commands to render.
* XkinProcessor uses the TemplateProcessor associated with the template.
* The TemplateProcessor is the class responsible for rendering the UI piece that composes the skin. The TemplateProcessor could use Velocity, JBYTE (Java By Template Engine), Groovy, or other template engine to render the output.
* The TemplateProcessor uses the resources from the skin (elements and paths) and returns the result of the template processing to the taglib.
* The taglib renders the result of the template processing to the Web browser.

Xkins addresses skin management by following these basic concepts:

* Keep all HTML generation out of Java code: Taglibs usually generate HTML code. Changing this code requires changing the Java code and redeploying the application. Xkins allows you to externalize HTML generation by placing HTML in definition files (XML files). In addition, Xkins allows you to keep plain HTML formatting tags out of JSP pages to further externalize the application's look and feel.
* Define a skin structure: Templates, resources, and paths compose a skin. Resources can be either constants or elements like images and CSS files. Defining paths helps you organize your skin files. Defining templates helps you reuse the pieces of the UI throughout your application.
* Allow extensions to the Xkins framework: You can extend Xkins to use your own template language for rendering according to your needs. If you need, for example, image generation, you can implement a template processor that takes a template and generates an image. Xkins comes with template processors based on Velocity and JBYTE. If you prefer Groovy, for instance, you could create a Groovy template processor to render your UI pieces.
* Split UI in basic elements: In Xkins, you can strip all the UI's pieces and create templates with them. In this way, you can reuse these pieces and change anything you need to make a skin look different.
* Use inheritance to minimize skin maintenance: In Xkins, a skin can extend other skins and use all templates, paths, and resources that its parent has. Thus, you reduce template maintenance.
* Use composition to create skins: In addition to inheritance, Xkins also uses composition to minimize maintenance and promote reuse of your templates. With this feature, users can create their own personalized skins from your application by selecting different pieces of the UI from existing skins.
* Define a skin type: Using a skin type, you can assure that all skins loaded in an Xkins instance have at least the same templates as the type. A skin type is the skin of which all other skins must extend to be valid in an Xkins instance. By Xkins instance, I mean a group of skins loaded together for use by the Web application.

One important benefit Xkins offers is that all HTML is in one place, and, if you need to tune it, you just simply change the templates. For instance, if your pages are too big, detect where the excessive HTML generation is or decide what images could be stripped, and then change the templates to reduce page size. You could also have a lightweight skin for those users accessing your Web application with low-speed connections and a richer skin UI for broadband users.

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daisy akan tuntut balik shaliha

Shaliha yang telah dua kali menuntut Daisy, yakni atas penganiayaan serta identitas palsu kini telah menyambangi berbagai pihak guna meminta dukungan untuk memenjarakan Daisy fajarina. Shaliha yang ditemani Ratna sarumpaet dan kuasa hukumnya bahkan sempat menunjukkan kepada publik surat dari perancis yang menyatakan bahwa pihak perancis akan menangkap dan memenjarakan daisy dimanapun dia berada.akan gentarkah pihak Manohara?
menghadapi “serangan” Shaliha pihak manohara malah akan menuntut balik shaliha. hal ini dikemukakan oleh ayah tiri Manohara, Reiner Pinot dengan nada emosional. pihaknya mengancam jika shaliha tidak segera mencabut kata-katanya dan meminta maaf, ia akan mengambil lankah tegas dengan menempuh jalur hukum. berbeda dengan ayah tiri manohara, sang ibu dengan kalem menanggapinya. ia menyatakan jika yang dilakukan shaliha ditunggangi oleh pihak lain.
Friday, May 21, 2010

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