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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Whitening Toothpastes: A Hollywood Smile For Everyone

Hollywood SmileEveryone, especially young ladies, dream about having a bright and shining Hollywood smile. They are ready to do everything and undergo every possible dental procedure for making their teeth look white and gorgeous. Fortunately, modern dental medicine offers many various solutions for those who want to keep their teeth white and attractive: from expensive but effective tooth reconstruction methods to easy and natural nutrition tips.
One of the simplest and the most affordable way to improve the color of your teeth is using special whitening toothpastes. In most people these toothpastes give quite fast and quite good effects, that is why lots of modern men and women tend to using whitening toothpastes too frequently, driven by their desire to bring back their bright and shiny Hollywood smile. At that same time, experts don’t stop warning us that using dental products containing sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide can be harmful to our teeth.
When we start using whitening toothpastes in excessive amounts, first of all our teeth get more sensitive. Tooth enamel gets thinner and weaker, as a result we start feeling unpleasant reaction of our teeth on too hot or too cold meas or drinks we consume. That is why dental specialists recommend using whitening toothpastes only once a day. This way, in the morning you can brush your teeth with a toothpaste with fluoride, and in the evening you can use your whitening toothpaste. This way you teeth will not be harmed. Also, many experts underline that consuming less of coffee, tea and w


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